
Data protection and privacy

Your personal data

At agtatec ltd (record.global) we intend to give you as much control as possible over your personal information. In general, you can visit the record.global website without telling us who you are or revealing any information about yourself. There are times, however, when we may need information from you, such as your name, occupation and contact details, so we may, for example, grant you access to further information not available for general viewing which could be of benefit to you. It is our intent to let you know before we collect information from you on the internet. 

reCaptcha v3
The forms on our website are protected against unauthorised sending by robots by Google reCaptcha v3. It is technically unavoidable that a large amount of personal data about your usage behaviour is transferred to Google for this purpose in order to identify you as a human being. Google is committed to ensuring appropriate data protection. For more information on the use of your data, please refer to Google's privacy portal: http://policies.google.com/privacy

To gain access to additional information within our website you will be required to register with us. However, even before registration we will collect anonymous information about how you have used the website by way of cookies. This is a common standard procedure for any website and should you choose to browse our website you are agreeing to the use of these cookies. The information collected by using cookies does not personally identify you but may be helpful to us for marketing purposes or improving the services we provide. 

To improve the services we provide we will also collect anonymous information about the referring website (for example Google search) or the referring banner, which directed you to our website. 

Personal Information

agtatec ltd (record.global) will be the so-called ‘Processor’ of the personal data you provide to us.  Based on your approval we will only store basic personal data as per the list below.  We do also collect information about the services you use on our website with Google Analytics. In this case, Google is the Data Processor.

Data element



To register you


To send information and products to your address

Email address

To send information and products to your address

Post address

To send information and products to your address


To reach out to you


To address you with the right attention.


To send information to you in the right language

What we do with it?
All the personal data we process is stored on servers in Switzerland. No third parties have access to your personal data, except for executing payments and if the law requests us to provide this information. We have a data protection regime in place to oversee the effective and secure processing of your personal data.

How long do we keep it?
We keep your personal data as well as order related data for as long as we are legally obliged to, and will keep it beyond that period if it is required to ensure a proper service level to you.
The information we use for marketing purposes or to pro-actively inform you of relevant updates will be kept with us until you notify us that you no longer wish to receive this information.

What happens if I choose not to register? 
If you choose not to register or provide personal information, you will in most cases still be able to use most of the record.global websites. However you will not be able to access areas that require registration.

What are your rights?
If at any point you believe the information we store is incorrect you may request to see this information and have it corrected or deleted. Please contact us at info.in.entrance@assaabloy.com


